As a programmer and Jesus-lover, I'm very curious what portion of people made it to Christianity StackExchange because of programming.
Please also let me know how you got here if it wasn't through Stack Overflow.
As a programmer and Jesus-lover, I'm very curious what portion of people made it to Christianity StackExchange because of programming.
Please also let me know how you got here if it wasn't through Stack Overflow.
Not me! I know zip about computer programming and I'd never heard of Stack Exchange or Stack Overflow. What brought me here was research into a specific question about Christianity. My "go to" site for information on the Bible and Christianity did not have the detailed information I needed to complete an assignment and it was my sister who suggested Christianity Exchange.
I was delighted to find such a rich source of research material although I confess it took perseverance on my part to get to grips with the way this site operates.
P.S. This was back in January 2018 and I eventually found an answer to my question on the Mi Yodeya site.
10826 of 27659 (= 39%) as of 2020-04-17
I did. I first encountered Stack Overflow when searching for an answer to a computer-related question and then discovered the other communities, including Christianity.
As a new member of a week or so, I also found my way here via a Google search, and although I work in IT I am not a programmer and don't use the Stack Overflow site. The question that brought me here was about why Jesus spent 40 days on earth between His resurrection and His ascension. Glad to have found StackExchange, although it is a strange name considering the content! It is an excellent concept and wonderful tool for research, it is just taking a bit of time to get to grips with how it works.