In general, no, this isn't okay. Questions asking for an overview need to be answered with an overview.
Long ago, this site had a problem with people asking "truth questions," that is, questions asking "Is X a sin?" or "Is Y doctrine true?" The result was that Christians from wide varieties of traditions would respond, and answers would be voted up or down based on the popularity of the opinion, not the quality of the answer.
To deal with this issue, "truth questions" were banned in favor of questions that can be objectively answered. The question you answered, What does Acts 16:31 mean?, was definitely a truth question. Later, it was modified to an overview asking for Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal, and Protestant views.
A "protestant-only" answer, in an "overview" question like this, has basically the same issue as was encountered early in this site's history. A Catholic answer could be provided, along with answers more specific to Methodism and Pentecostalism, and then, based on the number of members of each traditions, votes would select the "most popular" answer, rather than the highest quality answer.
That's the problem that the overview question type attempts to avoid. It's often quite difficult to answer overview questions, because you have to be familiar with the writings of a variety of different theologians, even those who disagree with you, and be able to succinctly summarize their views. But nonetheless they need to be answered as overviews, not with piecemeal answers, because otherwise voting turns into a popularity contest and not an indicator of the quality of answers.