One common situation on this site is that someone will ask an off-topic question and before it can be closed one or more answers are written. One example is What is an overview of Christian viewpoints on the eternal destiny of individuals who die never hearing the Gospel? which originally asked "What does the Bible say about those who die without ever hearing the gospel? Can someone who dies never hearing about Christ go to heaven?" Five answers were deleted when we reopened it, one of which was then edited and undeleted.
Most questions which we close don't get edited. That's fine. The question and their answers can stay if they're not offensive and might possibly be helpful to someone even if the question is too subjective to stay open.
But sometimes people do edit their questions into an acceptable on-topic question, which is awesome. That's what we want! But it leaves the tricky question of what to do with the existing answers which are no longer valid.
There are two main paths I think we can take, and so far I don't think the community has really settled on which it would prefer. I'm not even sure which I personally prefer!
The first option is to reopen the edited question, deleting all existing answers which no longer answer the question. If the answers are edited they can of course be undeleted.
This is the option I'd more naturally take, but it can feel quite unfair to the answers that were deleted. Some of them are well written and informative. On the other hand, often they're not. They were posted to a question which was probably overly subjective, and subjective opinions is not the purpose of this site. It's unfortunate if a new user's answer is deleted, but I have little sympathy for experienced users who get upset after posting answers to questions they know are off-topic. (Hopefully they do so knowing that their answers may be deleted in the future.)
The second option is to say to the question asker, after they've gone to the effort of editing their question into an acceptable shape, that they need to now ask it as a fresh new question. After they've done that (or if they decline) we'd probably need to rollback the edits so that the existing answers make sense.
(This option won't be possible in one situation: when someone is under the automatic question ban. If someone is under the question ban and they've actually fixed their old problematic questions, then we really need to encourage them to continue by reopening the question, even at the cost of deleting all the existing answers.)
Those seem to me to be the two main options here. This is not an uncommon situation so it would be really good to come to a consensus on what this site should do. What do you think?