I was just reading the following from Spurgeon's The Sympathy of the Two Worlds
(minor paragraph splitting to simply reading)
But I want you just to read the text again, while I dwell upon another thought. "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." Now, why do they not save their joy till that sinner dies and goes to heaven? Why do they rejoice over him when he repents? My Arminian friend, I think, ought to go to heaven, to set them right upon this matter. According to his theory, it must be very wrong of them, because they rejoice prematurely. According to the Arminian doctrine a man may repent, and yet he may be lost, he may have grace to repent and believe, and yet he may fall from grace and be a castaway. Now, angels, don't be too fast. Perhaps you may have to repent of this one day, if the Arminian doctrine be true, I would advise you to save your song for greater joys. Why, angels, perhaps the men that you are singing over to-day, you will have to mourn over to-morrow.
I am quite sure that Arminius never taught his doctrine in heaven. I do not know whether he is there—I hope he is, but he is no longer an Arminian; but if he ever taught his doctrine there, he would be put out. The reason why angels rejoice is because they know that when a sinner repents, he is absolutely saved; or else they would rejoice prematurely, and would have good cause for retracting their merriment on some future occasion. But the angels know what Christ meant when he said, "I give unto my sheep eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand;" and therefore they rejoice over repenting sinners, because they know they are saved.
And I considered it a crime against humanity that I couldn't post it to christianity.se since I couldn't coax it into a christianity.se question (but then I realized I could make it into a meta.christianity.se question).
Is there some appropriate venue (perhaps a sister site) related to christianity.se (i.e. contains the people who are active on christianity.se), but focused on sharing interesting pieces of theology / sermons ?
It would basically be like pinterest (minus pictures + paragraphs of text) or twitter (up to 14k characters), with most of the users being christianity.se users.