I had this question recently migrated from BH.SE.
I was open to it being migrated to C SE, because maybe it is a better fit.
The question was immediately denied a migration request and sent back, so now it's closed, apparently.
I was given no opportunity to fine-tune the question for C.SE. Just the comment
"You're gonna have to try harder than that to frame a question for this site. Could you please just ask a particular denomination?"
from mod Peter Turner. Hey mod, how can I reformulate the question for C.SE if you've sent it back to BH.SE where it is now closed? Since it was migrated, it obviously wasn't framed originally as a question for this site.
So are questions migrated to C.SE evaluated differently by mods than new questions posted on C.SE? Usually, you are given a notice so you can fine-tune it. In this case, nothing apparently.