This question was recently asked on the site: Did Jesus know how to read and write?
The original question was:
"Is there any biblical evidence that suggests Jesus read or wrote anything, and was he literate?"
Which I think is an appropriate question for this site. It is objective and answerable - in fact there is what I think is a good answer to that question. The question was then extended to define literate
literate in the sense he could compose an essay and write it down?
This becomes much harder to answer. There is no record of Jesus writting an essay, no school reports or GPA (did he even go to school), etc. The question now has a -4 rating and is in the review list to close.
What is the appropriate action here? I think the original question should stand as a good question. Maybe I'm wrong on this point, in which case this post is irrelevent.
Do I edit the question back to the original, should I vote to close, or should I vote to leave it open because the original question and the answer given are relevant?