Moderator Peter Turner just deleted my answer, with the following comment:
Even though it's rather superfluous this question does ask for a Catholic answer. So you could at least address that
Note that he himself points out that this detail is, quote, "superfluous." I agree with that, because the question was based on a false premise, and answered by clarifying that false premise which had nothing to do with denominations (even though I would have been happy to address that). The deletion preceded the comment.
This behavior of a moderator is rather shocking. I can't comment, neither vote to undelete the answer.
Suggestions for improvements should be left as comments or edited in. The delete button is not meant to eliminate answers that miss superfluous details.
The deletion should be reversed. Following this, the answer can be improved according to the usual community-driven workflow.
In my option such abuse of moderator rights is detrimental to any online-community.