Go to the main site, sort by newest, then scroll down through the last four or five days. The fact that many of the newest questions over the last week are on-hold.
From February 7th to part way through February 10th, there have been 26 questions. 18 of them are on hold or will be very soon. All except one are from new users with under 25 rep and only one is from a new user with 101 rep (an transfer from a different SE site).
This sentiment has been shared in chat over the past few weeks:
You know it's been a rough day on C.SE when you notice that you've voted 45 times... [5 of the posts he voted on ended up deleted that day] - Nathaniel on January 20th
wow, lots of interesting questions from newer people today ... interesting as in, "I didn't read the rules or understand the theme before asking" - Dan Andrews on February 1st
Does it feel to anyone else like we've had a string of really bad questions by new users these last few days? - curiousdannii on February 5th
Is this is chronic problem that can try to remedy, or just a stroke of bad luck?
If the former, what are some ideas to curb bad questions from new users? I know plenty well of the typical methods, via commenting, linking to meta posts and the help center, and voting; but is there anything a little more out of the box that we can do? Start with simple measures (e.g. some better meta posts), then move on to more drastic measures (e.g. site name change).