In the last 24 hours, we've had two good enough questions about Christian allusions in non-canonical scripture as to make me question whether we should include these or not.
What are typical Christian responses to The Grand Inquisitor?
This question, whilest incorrectly framed in Atheist terms, is actually one I'd really be interested in properly answering. Looking at this: you'll get more insight. Still, it is good grist for the mill so to speak.
Who symbolizes Christ in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"?
I was tempted to close this until I realized, however, that it really was in the same class as #1 - and then I realized, no, it might actually be interesting to point out the Christ parallels in Tolkein. It's a commonly advanced argument that Tolkein had Christian teaching in mind. Grant you "Who" is a homeowrk problem, but Why? could lead to some interesting answers.
But, are these too far afield? That's what I want to know!
One thing I don't want to get into is "Is this better on BH?" Simply put, yes, it will often be a hermeneutical exercise, but it will be guided, in most cases, by doctrine. Plus, BH has a large Jewish audience, and I doubt they'll want to play "Where's Jesus in X?" a lot.