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the question is about a question's tags, or a specific tag. To propose tag merger or synonyms, see [tag-synonyms].

2 votes

What should we do with Jesus?

For people like me who keep scouring the site looking for something to answer, the tags might lead them to other questions. But really, do I scour the huge tags? … As such, getting rid of the "problem tags" may actually be less helpful to our users. …
Affable Geek's user avatar
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4 votes

What does the Bible say? Questions

The biggest danger with "biblical basis" questions is not that they are not answerable for being too broad, but rather that they are too basic. Really, a decent concordance, commentary, or bible dicti …
Affable Geek's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How do we separate the Joseph tag?

I realize that I tagged a question about "Joseph" (in-Genesis) (the one in Genesis) with the same tag as Joseph, the husband-of-mary. How should we disambiguate the two? 2020 Edit, I (moderator Pet …
Affable Geek's user avatar
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8 votes

How do we separate the Joseph tag?

I'd like to propose: joseph-son-of-jacob joseph-husband-of-mary As two separate tag. The question then is, how do we disallow "joseph" as a tag? (yeah, Joseph-wife-of-Mary isn't all that great. …
Affable Geek's user avatar
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4 votes

Different tags for book and person?

As such, I don't think two tags are needed. If the "book-of-" tags aren't already synonyms, I'd argue they should be. …
Affable Geek's user avatar
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1 vote

'history' and 'church-history' tags

So, I have this philosophy about tags. What they should mean is irrelevant. How the majority of people are going to use them - whether correctly or not - is what matters. … So, if I really don't care about bibilical-basis and eschatalogy, I'll ignore those, and maybe favorite 'history' and 'church-history' knowing that the both tags represent the sum of what I need. …
Affable Geek's user avatar
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0 votes

What is the 'reformed-theology' tag about?

Reformed Theology is a subset of Protestant Theology that sits between Lutheranism on its left and Anabaptism on its right. It is basically Calvinistic, and has many adherents even today.
Affable Geek's user avatar
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6 votes

Re-assessing "biblical-basis"

I rise to speak in defense of the biblical-basis tag. I love those questions, and I find them to be the most valuable for me. Historically, "Scripture" has been the first of the "sources of theology …
Affable Geek's user avatar
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