The OP of this question appears, based only on the question, to not be affiliated with an organized Christian tradition. I could be wrong, but it got me thinking.
I have met people in the past who profess Christianity but do not adhere to any organized tradition. Which is a fancy way of saying they have no pastor and likely don't have any idea what pastor they should use when they need advice. I agree 100% that Christianity.SE isn't the place to go for personal advice that would traditionally be the province of a pastor, but for my own edificiation, where would such a person turn for insight into their issues? Or, are they basically out of luck because, rejecting all organized traditions, they are completely dependent on their personal relationship with God and other like-minded Christians for answers? Having been raised in a tradition that is very centralized and hierarchical, the idea of being adrift without someone to turn to is foreign to me.
Please note that I am NOT suggesting we change our rules in any way. I'm just curious what the greater Christian community suggests is the most appropriate recommendation for this situation. If, after such a question is put on hold, an OP asked where they should turn, what would you/we suggest?
EDIT: I apologize for my own poor research. It appears a similar question has already been asked by PyRulez. I apologize for the duplication and have flagged this question to be marked as a duplicate. However, I believe Peter Turner has come up with a simple addition to our VTC response that (at least in my opinion) fits the need as best we can.