Why is this stack exchange never about christian issues?
Can I suggest that your view of what "Christian issues" consist of is far too narrow: it basically boils down to two things: the Bible, and apologetics. We aren't so narrow here. Instead you'...
Are questions asking for answers to divulge sacred and secret ceremonies acceptable?
All such questions are acceptable here. To ban them would be censorship. But when a topic is sensitive it should be asked about with care.
No one is under compulsion to answer any question here, but ...
Can we please just ban scoping to Trinitarians and Anti-Trinitarians?
I strongly disagree with this, and I'm very confused about why you think these questions are even problematic.
Trinitarian questions already have very clear scopes, the doctrine defined by the ...
Can we please just ban scoping to Trinitarians and Anti-Trinitarians?
I humbly suggest that at the heart of the problems addressed in this most recent flurry of Meta activity is this:
We are a company of people asking, answering, and commenting on things that we all ...
What do I need to know about Christian denominations in order to ask an on-topic question at Christianity.SE?
Short answer: it depends. In particular, the traditions/denominations that are helpful to know about depend on the topic of your question.
As in most cases, Wikipedia is a great place to start. ...
Should the help center better reflect that "Is X a sin?" questions are on-topic when accompanied by a denominational POV?
I am in favor
I am in favor of adding "...that do not focus on what a specific denomination or tradition teaches" to the "Is X a sin?" definition and making such questions on-topic in that context. ...
Why do questions that the Bible has answers for keep being put on hold?
In short, because people disagree about what the Bible says. So rather than asking "What does the Bible say?" we ask "What does the Catholic church think the Bible says about this topic?" or "How do ...
Why do questions that the Bible has answers for keep being put on hold?
It's because this isn't a site about "what does the Bible say?" but rather about "what do Christians believe?" That may seem like an insignificant difference, but when you consider the literally ...
Should "Is there a trend toward not capitalizing the word "Bible"?" have been closed?
We have many other questions about Christian language, such as the phrase tag, and other questions such as these:
Is there any substantive difference between the verbal reference "second ...
What about non denominational questions?
People like to use the term "non-denominational" as though it is a completely amorphous, shapeless mass that cannot be measured or categorized. But in fact, even though such churches don't associate ...
Is it okay for Unitarians to answer questions that do not ask for a specific denomination or sect?
Is this okay with everyone?
No, it is not okay.
Just because it's tagged biblical-basis does not exempt answers from following the same scoping rules we do across the site. You may not post a ...
Intent of Christianity.SE and the new SO Documentation feature
The SO Documentation format is highly tuned for the programming world. It's great for what it sets out to do (at least I think it will be), and some parts of it would be applicable to us — but using ...
Is asking for contact information for a Christian group on-topic?
Stack Exchange sites used to have a cookie cutter close reason for "Too Localized". Most of these questions fit the definition to a T. Although the close reason was bumped in favor of more common ...
Must answers comply with the tags associated to the question? and other questions
Tagging is to help find and sort questions - they should apply to the context of the question, questions themselves still have to have all the context in them.
So, if I tag a question virgin-mary ...
Peter TurnerMod
- 34.5k
Why is this stack exchange never about christian issues?
This site is not a discussion forum, it is a Q&A site. What is on-topic and off-topic here is defined in such a way to try and make sure questions can be answered more or less opinion-free and ...
Why is there a philosophy tag if philosophical questions are off-topic?
General philosophy questions aren't on topic here. Historical or theological philosophy questions can be. Here are some examples:
What influence did Greek philosophy have on the formation of orthodox ...
Are questions asking for answers to divulge sacred and secret ceremonies acceptable?
Yes, this site allows these types of questions to be asked and answered.
If it is a fact that certain groups that self-identify as Christians do (or don't) have secret practices and rituals that they'...
Why not more emphasis on own search?
On most sites in the network the criteria for downvoting and closing are essentially completely separate. Only a few sites, like ELU for example, make lack of research a reason to close a question.
How broad can a question be?
Great question! Unfortunately, like most great questions, the answer is, "it depends." When evaluating the breadth of a question like your example, I take the following into consideration, more or ...
What about non denominational questions?
This is entirely the fault of non-denominationalists1 for using confusing terminology and trying to pretend the elephant in the room doesn't exist. As much as many people inside the tradition would ...
How can we pose a question on an alleged Bible contradiction without getting opinion based questions?
If one part of the Bible supports a doctrine and another part of the Bible seems to refute it, just ask "Why do people do X when the Bible clearly says to do Y".
You can mention the ...
Peter TurnerMod
- 34.5k
Is it okay for Unitarians to answer questions that do not ask for a specific denomination or sect?
Your personal convictions are completely irrelevant, but your answers must match the perspectives asked about.
If what you want to write disagrees with the premise of the question, you can't post it ...
Is Christianity Stack exchange an appropriate place to ask about Judaism and Christianity commonalities?
The problem I have with most "what are the differences between X and Y religions?" questions is the problem imposed by Stack Exchange's one-question-one-correct-answer model. This isn't a discussion ...
Should the help center better reflect that "Is X a sin?" questions are on-topic when accompanied by a denominational POV?
I can see the merit in updating the wording, but I think the proposed change runs the risk of being too specific. When these help messages start reading like a formula that can be exactly followed or ...
A basic Bible or history question shouldn't have a denominational component
Many Protestants agree with you and in a perfect world you'd be right. The problem is twofold though:
A person of a given denomination asking a question can't always know ahead of time whether their ...
Peter TurnerMod
- 34.5k
Why is this stack exchange never about christian issues?
Just for your interest, these are the five most voted-up questions listed on SE-Christianity.
Why is this stack exchange never about christian issues?
This forum can't be Satanic, because this is not a forum! It's a Q&A Site specifically designed not to be a forum. It is supposed to be more of a spontaneously generated encyclopedia. Each ...
Peter TurnerMod
- 34.5k
Is this question on-topic or not?
Obviously the question has some elements of both opinion-based and truth-questions. On the other hand I don't think it carries with it most of the classic baggage of those types of questions. In spite ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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