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6 votes

What are the guidelines spelling out when a 3rd party can edit a question?

Editing privilege is earned at 2000 reputation. See the help center. At lower reputation levels, users can edit posts but the edits need to be reviewed and approved.
David Stratton's user avatar
5 votes

Are 'extra information' answers encouraged here?

Answers on this site need to address the original question. They can of course different ground than other answers –maybe hit on some things where other answers were weak– but they must actually ...
Caleb's user avatar
  • 37.4k
5 votes

Reviving closed questions

If a question already has answers then it is nearly always better to just make a new question. The old truth or primarily-opinion-based questions would require substantial edits to bring into line ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
  • 20.6k
5 votes

In question editing, is the site as a whole going too far? From its genesis to questions on Genesis

You aren't helping someone cheat. We (as a community) either continue to encourage editing to improve questions to meet SE quality standards, or we put more questions on hold, we close them, we ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
3 votes

In question editing, is the site as a whole going too far? From its genesis to questions on Genesis

Questions should be clear and understandable. Sometimes this requires editing. A light touch is preferred if possible, but occasionally a complete rewrite is required.
TRiG's user avatar
  • 4,597
2 votes

Why can I make instant changes without approval, but I can't approve someone else's changes without further approval?

The logic on why there needs to be multiple approvers for someone else's edit is described in this Meta.SE answer to a similar question: Why does approving an edit require more than one vote?: ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible