> The accusation has been made that this answer contains "hate speech"

Boil down your issues with someone else's words to a trite label, and you're gonna have problems. I see "hate speech" and I read *"censorship"*.

Is it not enough that we have a voting system for de-emphasizing poor answers? Is it not enough that we have a system by which blatantly offensive content can be flagged, automatically removed and the author penalized? Is it for naught that *any user viewing the site* can submit edits to nearly any post? Is the ability to leave comments on, and post meta discussions about a post worthless? The opportunity to post impassioned arguments against that which you find incorrect to be sneezed at?

Do we need a special sub-category of "offensive" that evaluates to "does not actually offend even a half-dozen users or moderators, cannot inspire even a short rebuttal, but is nevertheless somehow worthy of removal"? 

This reminds me of the arguments over enforcing Non-Disclosure Agreements on several other sites. To the best of my knowledge, no one ever actually got into trouble, or sent the sites a take-down notice or other official complaint in response to these... But in several cases, skittish users and moderators jumped in to squelch questions in fear that someone *might* violate a contract they - not the site - were party to. 

You link to an answer with 9 up-votes and 7 down-votes, on a question with 9 and 5 respectively. It's a controversial answer to a controversial question... Big surprise, right?

The **question** is currently closed, as "not constructive". I tend to agree with that assessment - [there are better ways](http://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/3322/how-should-christians-participate-in-a-democracy) to ask [similar questions](http://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/3352/what-should-a-christian-do-when-the-state-permits-something-the-church-does-not) even on [controversial topics](http://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/3281/is-there-any-biblical-basis-for-hating-homosexuals) while encouraging far more useful responses. 

But if it does get re-opened, and does stay re-opened, if the community here does decide that it wants to tackle questions like this... Then, yes, 

> [...] some people need to lighten up, and accept that some views here will be offensive?

...there will need to be some of that. Whether you can be hurt, offended, feel marginalized or attacked by an answer and *shrug it off* is debatable, but I do not think *anyone* should come here expecting to find every answer a soft pat on the head. 

>  [<sup>34</sup>](http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+10%3A34&version=NIV) “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. <sup>35</sup> For I have come to turn

>   “‘a man against his father,   
   a daughter against her mother,   
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—   
   <sup>36</sup> a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’