[Why does God encourage humans to beat other humans?](https://christianity.stackexchange.com/q/31309/3331) was edited to make it more appropriate for Stack Exchange. However, the edit effectively made both existing answers no longer answers to the question since they do not reference "prominent theologians and/or apologists". (My answer references a statement by Jesus, certainly a prominent theologian, on the existence of divorce in the law and extends/applies this exegesis to beating one's slave; however, Jesus did not directly address the law's permission of beating one's slave.) Since my answer has received three upvotes (most of which were probably received before the edit and "I like this" voting might be more common on Christianity), deleting it would earn the Disciplined badge. In any case, I intend to wait before taking action; the original poster may revert the edit and edit the question into one more appropriate for Stack Exchange without invalidating my answer.