Have you ever tried to read the entire Bible?

Of course there are many people who have finished Bible over many times, but if you have any experience of finishing a book, I would ask you to compare Bible to other types of books.

When you finish a entire book or series, all the information is in your head. The plot, the rising action, the climax, the conclusion, the etc.

With Bible it's very different; just when you think you know all parts of it, new ones jump out.

Some might argue that it is because Bible is comprised of vast books some differing greatly from each other; but if I can keep the entire plot of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ([800,000 words][1]) after reading it several times over yet I cannot do the same for The Bible ([774, 746 words][2])?

The Bible is very complex; it has meanings inside meanings inside meanings. Its a perpetual spring of information; just as you think you know it some other stuff you didn't know pops up.

And while this is all mindblowing, at the same time it makes perfect sense; Bible is living, and breathing, and is God. It existed with God in the beginning, all things were made from him and nothing was made without him.

No, I cannot agree that there is ever a saturation point in the Bible; I believe that there will always be a new information ready to be delivered.

  [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romance_of_the_Three_Kingdoms
  [2]: http://answers.reference.com/information/terminology/how_many_words_in_the_bible