Linked Questions

-1 votes
4 answers

Why do all these questions have to be directed towards man made denominations?

Jesus said clearly only he is our teacher and master. But the moderators demand you ask a specific denomination...which is exactly what Jesus said not to do. Matthew 23:8 (KJV) 8 But be not ye called ...
The Elect's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Why do questions that the Bible has answers for keep being put on hold?

I am new to this site. I can answer a lot of these questions that are on hold from the Bible, like the one about the hem of the garment, or what Jesus and Paul said about the Law. These are legitimate ...
Danny Remington's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Was the circumcision question put on hold for valid reason?

This question Was put on hold called a truth question. I think it is a question answerable from ...
Kris's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

Why can't I ask for personal advice?

It seems like all the questions asking for personal advice on this site get put "on hold." If I am facing a personal difficulty or a challenging decision, and I want input from Christians, shouldn't ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How can I salvage my question?

Quite some time ago, I asked a question about inter-faith marriage. I recently received an edit notification, checked it, and saw that my question had been closed as primarily opinion-based. Caleb ...
Beofett's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why are so many questions being put on hold all of a sudden?

It seems that since coming to this site more and more questions have been put on hold, that would have elicited answers a year or so ago. I will use this question as an example; https://christianity....
BYE's user avatar
  • 13.3k
15 votes
5 answers

"Biblical basis" vs "what the Bible says about a subject"

We seem to have a more or less a consensus on our site that asking for the Biblical basis for a doctrine is permitted, even encouraged. We also tend to allow "What does the Bible say about X?&...
Flimzy's user avatar
  • 22.2k
-4 votes
3 answers

Why was "How many jews were in times of Jesus" on hold?

This is actually a good question. This actually reveals how many Jews were during the time of Jesus Christ. This will help to reveal the type of community where Jesus Christ lived and to whom he ...
konwayk's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Can we have more moderators?

So, I love our current moderators. I voted for as many as I could in the last election, and I respect them all. I think they can get overworked, too, which is why, as a high-rep user, I try to take ...
Affable Geek's user avatar
25 votes
0 answers

What types of questions can I ask on this site?

Introduction There are lots of important questions about Christianity and faith which cannot be effectively handled on this site: questions about personal lives, our relationships with God, and what ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Non-opinion based questions that are confrontational

This question has a lot of problems and I would like to ask a question about one of them: I ...
The Freemason's user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

Newcomers: Be patient. You will get there if you follow our direction. Keep trying

To the newcomers: I am thrilled that you have come to this site. I am excited that you want to spend time contributing to this site, and even more so that you want to learn more about Christianity. ...
user avatar
35 votes
3 answers

What Christianity.StackExchange is (and more importantly, what it isn't)

Once again, we're seeing an influx of new talent, which is GREAT! A growing community means more people, sharing new perspectives, or perhaps bringing a clearer explanation of an already described ...
David Stratton's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

What makes a good focused question?

In response to Can we reverse the trend on low quality posts? we would like to propose the following thoughts on what defines a good focused question. The primary focus of this site is a place to ask ...
Caleb's user avatar
  • 37.3k
105 votes
3 answers

Brothers, we are not Christians‼

Disclaimer: I still stand behind the concepts that inspired this post, am glad I wrote it, and that this site made it as far as it did. Unfortunately some of the circumstances have changed since I ...
Caleb's user avatar
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