Linked Questions

-3 votes
3 answers

Pastoral Advice Questions are off-topic, but what about pastoral advice implicit in answers? [duplicate]

So you can search for yourself the whole litany of reasons why Christianity.SE opted to not be a feel-good free-for-all in favor of facts. But I've got a problem with the idea that we should be ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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107 votes
3 answers

Brothers, we are not Christians‼

Disclaimer: I still stand behind the concepts that inspired this post, am glad I wrote it, and that this site made it as far as it did. Unfortunately some of the circumstances have changed since I ...
Caleb's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

What Christianity.StackExchange is (and more importantly, what it isn't)

Once again, we're seeing an influx of new talent, which is GREAT! A growing community means more people, sharing new perspectives, or perhaps bringing a clearer explanation of an already described ...
David Stratton's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Pastoral Advice Questions

I haven't seen any yet, but I would imagine that we are going to get questions asking for pastoral input. It may be anything from "I can't seem to stop surfing internet porn", to (if we're really ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

Why can't I ask for personal advice?

It seems like all the questions asking for personal advice on this site get put "on hold." If I am facing a personal difficulty or a challenging decision, and I want input from Christians, shouldn't ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
34 votes
1 answer

How we are different than other sites

So, we have a brand new About page. On that page, it says: Christianity - Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in ...
Affable Geek's user avatar
  • 64.2k
11 votes
7 answers

2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

In connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as ...
Grace Note's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

What to do with "Is x a sin" questions?

I'm not sure if it's more appropriate to post this as a new question, or put a new answer on the old one, but a while back, someone has asked "Are 'is x a sin' questions on topic?" That question was ...
David Stratton's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Do we need any site specific close reasons?

The entire question "close" system across the Stack Exchange network is going to get a face-lift soon that will (hopefully) make the fall a little bit gentler for new users and ease the learning curve....
Caleb's user avatar
  • 37.5k
10 votes
5 answers

Anyone care to share templated comments?

I use the AutoReviewComment user script so that it actually pops up for me in the comment box and allows me to choose what to say to users. I recently shared all of my templated comments for import ...
Dan's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

How are "Strangers on the Internet" less legitmate than people you meet in real life?

I noticed this comment: This is not something that can be authoritatively answered by strangers on the Internet. The only people that can speak for your church is it's local leadership. You should ...
Jim G.'s user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How can we improve our guidance about the comment practices?

If you follow meta, you have seen considerable discussion lately regarding comment deletion. Usually comments are deleted because they are obsolete, off topic, impolite, or have turned into noise (...
Richard's user avatar
  • 24.4k
6 votes
4 answers

The great Prayer Room experiment

Allow me to introduce you to the Prayer Room: Prayer Room Please use this room to post prayer requests of praise, petition, and thanksgiving. Please do not address other users or carry on ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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0 votes
5 answers

What exactly is a pastoral advice question?

Based on the response to a question I recently posted, I think there might potentially be non-trivial confusion or disagreement about which questions should be counted as pastoral advice questions. ...
Alypius's user avatar
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-4 votes
3 answers

Askers that show possible medical issues should be referred to doctors first, not only pastors

With our "No pastoral advice" policy, we usually see these kinds of questions quickly, close them, and urge the user to find help in the real world from a real and trusted spiritual adviser. I greatly ...
user avatar
-6 votes
4 answers

I want to answer someone's question

Why does this website operate on privileges and points? I came on here to answer a question from a genuine Catholic person about their prayers not being answered. I have lots of experience with God ...
Garnettoi71's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can we delete all answers to a question when it's closed as 'pastoral advice'?

We don't answer pastoral advice questions for good reason. Often a low-rep answerer will squeeze in some really bad advice just before a question is closed. We can undelete answers without any ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Can we have this "no advice allowed" site disclaimer like judaism.stackexachange has?

Take a look at what judaism.stackexchange does. Similar to our site, I bet they were getting inundated with "advice" questions and finally put this disclaimer up there with helpful links. Why don't ...
LCIII's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Should we edit Pastoral Advice questions?

See the recent "But can't I just say one thing?" question for information on what we should say in response to these questions. This question asks what we should do and whether we should try to "...
Alypius's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does "faq" sometimes mean "recommended reading"?

Out of curiosity, I sorted the meta questions by votes just now, and saw that many of our great meta posts (ones that I would consider recommended reading for new users) are not tagged faq. Yet, some ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

When is a comment not a comment?

I've been seeing a lot of comment action lately that is somewhere between misguided and utterly superfluous. I grant the comment feature is a hard one to get used to¹ —particularly for those coming in ...
Caleb's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can we stop the comments from being an area for arguments?

The comments section has recently become an area where disagreements are voiced and the exchanges have detracted from the answers to the posters questions and often go far astray from the context of ...
BYE's user avatar
  • 13.3k
5 votes
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Should we discourage comments which tend to deviate from the op's question?

As I understand the comments section it exists to obtain clarification of a question, or convey to the poster some misstep in their questions. Recently however; some comments have been used by members ...
BYE's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Answering a Truth Question you're voting to close

In Why Do people believe in the Bible? [on hold], we have the following: a question that is certainly a Truth Question: "when it's obviously not true?" a question that lacks a "constructive, fair, ...
pterandon's user avatar
  • 4,861
0 votes
3 answers

Shouldn't the asker be required to tell what church he belongs to?

When I ask a question, I say I'm a Catholic and I want to know what Catholics say about X. That's for a good reason, although I respect every Church (Okay, maybe not every Church, but anyway). Take ...
Lynob's user avatar
  • 610
9 votes
1 answer

Greeting card messages

...for when you can't think of what to say. Sometimes we get questions and answers from new users, and I don't know what to say to greet them nicely while also providing advice or criticism. Narnian ...
Alypius's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why was this answer deleted?

The OP of asked a personal question: "What should I do?". I answered the related generalized form of the ...
Paul Draper's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Questions with hypothetical examples

See instead: What exactly is a pastoral advice question? This question should be put on hold until that question is resolved. Since we talked about pastoral advice questions recently, the label is ...
Alypius's user avatar
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Young aged belivers and new believers

My concern is with younger belivers that want answers to simple question but require long logistic answers that are too involved for their understanding. We have a young man right now (12 or 13) that ...
Little miss piper's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How to encourage comments to be polite and at an academic level?

How to encourage comments to be polite and at an academic level? Lately I have noticed that comments are at times a low quality within themselves, on both main and meta sites. Some are somewhat not ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 74.5k
3 votes
1 answer

Seeking advice to reopen a question [duplicate]

Recently my question, "Did Christ assume our fallen humanity?" was closed. I need an input on how to reopen that question. Should I change it into, "Did the early Church Fathers believe Christ assumed ...
Adithia Kusno's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Should pastoral questions be kept?

If a pastoral question is motivated by a curiosity into a specific doctrine of a Christian organization, should it be kept? The author should be asked on the motivation behind the question in the ...
aska123's user avatar
  • 1,531
2 votes
2 answers

What constitutes "consensus on Meta" here?

I recently disagreed with a user over what constitutes an acceptable answer to a particular type of question. The user linked me to a Christianity Meta answer that he claimed represented "consensus ...
guest37's user avatar
  • 5,688
1 vote
1 answer

Where would people go who aren't affiliated with a particular faith? [duplicate]

The OP of this question appears, based only on the question, to not be affiliated with an organized Christian tradition. I could be wrong, but it got me thinking. I have met people in the past who ...
JBH's user avatar
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