Linked Questions

3 votes
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Seeking advice to reopen a question [duplicate]

Recently my question, "Did Christ assume our fallen humanity?" was closed. I need an input on how to reopen that question. Should I change it into, "Did the early Church Fathers believe Christ assumed ...
Adithia Kusno's user avatar
-1 votes
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Should pastoral questions be kept?

If a pastoral question is motivated by a curiosity into a specific doctrine of a Christian organization, should it be kept? The author should be asked on the motivation behind the question in the ...
aska123's user avatar
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What constitutes "consensus on Meta" here?

I recently disagreed with a user over what constitutes an acceptable answer to a particular type of question. The user linked me to a Christianity Meta answer that he claimed represented "consensus ...
guest37's user avatar
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Where would people go who aren't affiliated with a particular faith? [duplicate]

The OP of this question appears, based only on the question, to not be affiliated with an organized Christian tradition. I could be wrong, but it got me thinking. I have met people in the past who ...
JBH's user avatar
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