I have recently made substantial updates to both an answer and a question. This involved adding notable qualifications to an answer, and added notable clarification and concerns in the question. It also involved edits throughout the post, not just something I could tack on at the end.
The question is: at what point and how should I mention a substantial edit in an answer or a question?
Is a note at the top of either Q or A saying "Edit: 09/xx/18 Added blah blah" for the important changes a good idea? I've seen several posts with edits at the bottom when added clarification or questions that come from the comments, but what about when a "tack-on" edit isn't so easy?
I recently just (5 seconds ago) learned that anyone can see the edit history of a question, but that doesn't make it obvious to someone who previously sees a Q or A and assumes nothing new is there without a note. With regards to "at what point" a note would be appreciated, a "substantial" edit is enough definition for me, or one that "noticeably" modifies the effective answer or question, but I bet that someone with years more of experience than me may have a better, more specific, or different answer. I didn't find any very related questions on this.