From the writing of this post...
16 hours ago a question basically asking why am I still unmarried was asked. It created the tag "singleness."
14 hours ago curiousdannii added the "singleness" tag to this question about "asexuality" (in the context of having no sex drive, not the biological definition of self-conceiving).
Over the last couple of days I've been adding definitions to the tag wikis, but I'm not convinced this tag should exist. Especially since the two questions have very different uses of "singleness."
Frankly, neither question is about "singleness" or "the state of being single." The first is about a person who wants to be married being unmarried, the second is about the biological lack of sexual desire.
Should this tag exist? Can we imagine a practical and useful number of questions being tagged with it?
If it should exist, what definition should we give it? There already is a "celibacy" tag, but neither question is about celibacy.
While I can imagine why the OP of the first question and curiousdannii for the second used the "singleness" tag, my personal opinion is that the tag is awkward and even with a clear definition might be used in all kinds of nonsensical ways. I'm inclined to recommend burning the tag, but seek community input.