How old is the Old Testament and, like the New Testament, are there multiple versions (i.e. - according to Matthew, Mark, Luke & John)?
This question has multiple issues: 1) it asks two questions, not one, and those questions aren't closely related enough to warrant being joined in one question. 2) The questions it does ask aren't even specific or clear.
- "How old is the Old Testament?"
This could mean multiple things. How old are the oldest manuscripts of the Old Testament? When was the oldest book of the Old Testament written? When was the newest book of the Old Testament written? When was the Old Testament canonized? Perhaps the OP means more than one of these. If so, I think the question should be refined.
- "Are there multiple versions (i.e. - according to Matthew, Mark, Luke & John)?"
You can tell basically what the OP was trying to ask, but it's just not stated very well at all. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are 4 out of 27 books of the New Testament which very clearly makes them not "multiple versions" of the New Testament.
I flagged the question as "unclear what you're asking," but it was declined. Why?