I think perhaps that you need some personal, practical advice. So I'll be looking at you specifically in this post. I might say things that appear harsh or such, but I am not trying to offend you.
The first thing I will note is that I notice you often organize your sentences oddly. I almost wonder if English is not your first language. If it's not, that does explain a few things. If it is, I'm not sure what we can do here or why it seems this way to me.
The second thing is that you format your posts and comments oddly, or non-conventionally. For example, when quoting someone in comments you italicize instead of "quote". A few others do it to, but I think "quotes" are much more common. The convention for italicized text is that it is for emphasizing the text. You might want to emphasize a single word in a sentence to imply a stressed inflection if it were spoken or you might want to emphasize text that holds the crux of your statement to ensure your audience gets it. In your posts, I feel like you would do well to use headings when necessary, but sparingly and a little less bold text. This is more of my personal opinion though and about posts not comments.
Now on to some rules for you that I think will help you when replying to downvote comments.
- Get the gist of the downvote comment. Read the comment carefully and start with the assumption that there is a legitimate issue with your post and the comment points it out.
- Realize that the comment might have more information in it than the specific issue with your post. Neglect replying to that other information; it distracts from the problem in the post.
- Examine your post closely from the point of view that the downvote comment has given you. You are trying to determine if the comment is accurately describing a real problem with your post. If there is a real issue with your post, then fix it and let the downvoter know. If it's not a real issue with your post, comment in the follow way:
- Start your comment by repeating what the downvote comment is saying. Something like "So you are saying .... ?"
- Because you disagree, follow that with "I don't think that's a real issue" or something similar.
- Explain why it's not a real issue in one or two sentences. Try to be very clear and concise. Avoid commenting on anything else; stay on point.
- If there are other things to comment on that are unrelated to your reply to the downvote comment, keep them out of your reply and make a new comment instead.
I hope this helps you.
The following is a reply to a comment on this post:
The mods tell me there are 28 deleted comments on that post. They tell me it was a disaster of all kinds of talk; it was not just about your post. I've had such exchanges with Sklivvz before, so I have a pretty good idea what it looked like. Further, I've worked with the mods a good deal in the past. I trust their judgement and consider them upstanding persons. I also have seen two clear examples that don't favor your accusation of censorship: The one with Ward, which all can see, and the one with Sklivvz that I personally saw and replied to. I'm convinced that deleting them was the correct action.
In light of:
- the massive exchange of 28 comments,
- that I trust the mods because of personal experience,
- that those mods inform me that the 28 comments were filled with all sorts of nonsense, including ad-hominem, and
- that I have personally seen two examples that justify the deletion actions,
in light of those four points, I am inclined to believe that posting those comments will further distract from the real issue, and will likely not prove moderator misdeed.
I will ask them one final time, but whether they do or do not screen shot them, I'm pretty confident that every comment that has been deleted should have been deleted.
Either way you should take my advice above (the seven points). Separate the issues with separate comments. Do not post meta related content on the main site, save for when a specific question is being discussed in meta, then link to the meta from main. Try sticking to the guidelines I've given you above for a while then see if your comments get unjustly deleted. But remember, all comments are meant to be deleted eventually anyway. Trust that we (mods included) are not taking part in any censorship, and you should assume that we protect site quality first, then we protect your interests to keep you posting good content. We earnestly want to help you understand the nature of comments on this site. So I suggest following the guidelines above for now, then you will eventually see how it works.