About four and a half months ago, Flimzy proposed a new off-topic close reason for questions: Truth questions. Here is the relevant Meta post.
In wax eagle's answer, he listed three main things that needed to be done first.
1) The first is that we need to decide whether or not the on topic page of the help center needs to be changed.
That subject was covered in this Meta post. Currently, the top answer suggests rewriting the whole on-topic section, suggests what to put there, and is decently upvoted.
2) The second thing we need to do is establish the verbiage for our new close reason.
That subject was covered in this Meta post. There is currently one very well-upvoted answer with the suggested verbiage.
3) We need a comprehensive meta Q&A that goes into detail (but is easy to understand), detailing both why these questions are off topic...and how to introduce these requirements into the truth questions we are closing.
That subject was covered in this Meta post. The relevant information and explanation is all contained within the question.
So, the question is: have we done enough that we should go ahead and implement the proposed changes?
If any of you think differently from the current answer(s), I encourage you to post your opinion so that we can work towards a clear(er) consensus.