I find that typically the recommend for deletion options are not usually the reasons why I would delete a post. Here are reasons I would use more often because I see these problems more often:
- The post has many grammatical and spelling errors. It is extremely low quality and is an embarrassment to the site's professional image. Example
- The post is blatantly personal opinion, and it does not answer the question at all. Example
- There is too much content and little to no effort in formatting into paragraphs and headings. [I don't have an example right now, but I have certainly seen this]
There are probably more, but I cannot think of any right now.
I don't have the rep to cast delete votes, so I can't really say this would be helpful or not, but I think it would. Often I recommend deletion and just pick other because the other four options are not why.
Is this possible? Would it be helpful?