Community wiki was some sort of crazy consolation for list-posts invented in the early days of Stack Overflow. I don't think they really have much of any place on this site and I never would suggest anyone use it here.
Community wiki should not be used as a cop-out for not wanting to accrue downvotes. If someone answers a dumb questions that they don't want their name on (like Was Jesus a Time-Traveler) then they should bear the responsibility for answering that question.
Possibly, the posts should be CW and some denomination surveys. The tools are to build up the site and the facts, not to avoid personal responsibility.
I do think CW can use used to mitigate the risk of answering, but not completely negate it. If the risk/reward ratio for answering a normal question is 1 and the risk/reward ratio for answering a terrible question is 0.2, marking it CW may bring the risk/reward ratio back up to 1. But if the risk/reward ratio for answering a kind of bad question is 0.8, then marking it CW may bring it up to 1.4 - so that's what I think we should avoid.