I can guarantee you that none of the moderators here, or even the more long-term users here would close/delete a question/answer because we think we are somehow more holy than the person that asked it.
You seem to be taking the deletion of your answer as an attack against you, or at least you're taking it very personally. My vote to delete certainly wasn't personal. It was based solely on the fact that your question doesn't meet the site standards.
The site standards are very straightforward. They're described in the FAQ, they're described in the About page, and also on the META site. There are a whole series of questions here that are tagged as FAQ questions that exist solely to help new users learn the site guidelines.
The fact is that this isn't a Christian site. This is not a discussion forum. It is a question and answer site with a specific purpose: To help people learn about Christianity - what it teaches, what the various doctrines and denominations are, etc. It's not what most people think when they see the site. Most people say "Oh, a Christian question and answer site! I can learn the truth about God, how to get saved, whether or not evolution is true, how to prove God exists" and so on.
Almost every single new visitor to the site misunderstands the purpose of the site.
And that's where the moderators come in. That's why those of us who have been around for a while and do understand the guidelines take time out of our busy days to write helpful comments. We usually don't just vote to close or delete, unless someone has already put a comment as to why the action is being taken. If there's not a comment, nine times out of ten, we'll leave a comment explaining exactly why we've voted to close or delete, so that you can improve your answer, and also to help you become better. As you learn the rules, the quality of your posts will improve, and you'll learn more and do a better job of educating others. We do it, not to persecute people that post low quality content, but to help them along.
That said, every so often we get users that simply don't care about the rules or guidelines. They think that somehow they know better, and that the guidelines are either stupid or don't apply to them. We try to be patient, we try to explain, we try to help, but some people can't be helped. They simply don't want to take the time to learn the site guidelines, and basically just whine and complain and cause problems.
What that happens, the moderators are forced to step in and, for example, put that user on probation, or ban them from the site. Not to persecute that user, but to keep them from disrupting others.
- Just like a grade school teacher would send a disruptive student to the principal's office so that he can't disrupt the other users.
- Just like a police officer may need to arrest someone that is disturbing the peace, or harassing others, or simply refusing to follow laws or guidelines.
It's not personal. Nobody thinks they are holier than you. Heck, I think I'm a vile sinner with no good in me, and it's only due to the grace of God that he hasn't sent a lightning bolt to send me on my way.
But I do want this site to be an enjoyable site for everyone. I do know what happens when the site guidelines slip. You would be amazed at how bad the questions and answers get if the guidelines aren't enforced. I was here to see it, and it took a lot of community effort to clean it up.
You can bet that I'll do my best to try to help users learn and excel, and grow, but I'll also be one of the first to close or vote to delete questions and answers that don't meet the site guidelines, because it needs to be done. it's not personal, and it's not because I have some vendetta against anyone.
It's because I care about the success of this site, and I care about keeping it constructive, useful, and pleasant for those that do bother to read the FAQ and try to follow the rules. Because good participants shouldn't have to read through a lot of complaining, or a lot of low quality posts to find the good ones.